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Reviews, Scores, Mediocreness

Started by icannotdomyjob, June 20, 2016, 12:39:28 PM

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 MechaGS, you based motherrocker :lol:

reposting his murder:
- Famitsu Issue 1437 (8/8/7/7 [30/40])

- IGN (5.6):

- Jimquisition (4: Subpar):

- Destructoid; (6.5 - All Right : Slightly above average or simply inoffensive. Fans of the genre should enjoy this game, but a fair few will be left unfulfilled.):

- Eurogamer (Scoreless but mostly positive)

- God is a Geek (7)

do what you like in this thread, just, TOLD YOU SO.


 Aw, come on...

After all : "it's better than nothing !"

NETFLIX presents :

Scamfune the kickstarted developper

A sitcom kickstarted by TechnoWolf... an incredible genius we should all bow to and praise and... wait who wrote this ???


 I can't help but completely agree with those review scores. The game feels like a complete mess. Control feels sluggish. Level designs are uninspiring. Boss fights feel less like a challenge and more like a chore. Performance is horrendous. And the art direction, well, enough have been said about it. Overall, this game feels mediocre at best and a complete disappointment at worst.

The worst part is I just saw a video of the Bloodstained E3 demo and I instantly regret not backing it. How the hell can IGA do everything so right when Inafune screw up everything he touches?

One more thing. Share this around if you can. These poor backers deserve some justice:



AlphaOmegaSin is still waiting for his copy.

Waow. T's'been a week for americans, right ??!


 Been exactly one week already and ain't no sight of this colossal f&#@ up getting resolved anytime soon. In fact, I predict even more f%$@ up to come in the future. I mean, just look at this:

That poor chap got sent another two keys for the base game instead of the stuff he's missing. And that's on top of the two keys he's already gotten.


 I'm out.

I beat like three notbot masters on this game, I'm not gonna go any further... this game's terrible.


 After playing and finishing the main game (what a crappy final boss), it really does feel like a poor man's Mega Man game.  It wouldn't say it's a "terrible" game, but it's definitely very disappointing.  Considering the names behind the game and how making a decent platformer isn't exactly that hard, "ok" or "meh" just doesn't cut it.


 "Ok" or "meh" would be a compliment. This game is nothing like a Mega Man game. And that final boss is the worst designed boss I've ever seen in years. It's so damn easy that I did not take a single hit the first time I managed to beat it. Felt more like a chore than a challenge.



Man I wish I actually bothered to log back in after the game came out. But here we are, years later and I'm here! I barely played Mighty No. 9 to be honest with you all. That trailer for when the game finally launched was absolutely cringe. Who the hell came up with the slogan "Make a anime fan cry on prom night"? Oh and remember guys it's better than nothing too! Still makes me a bit upset that things ended the way they did...