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Topics - TheRaven

Forum Games Corner / Count to 1 Million
January 18, 2014, 05:47:01 AM
Just a simple forum game just keep counting until we reach 1 million! After that we'll just count to another number... Or something. :V Anyway I'll start this game and of course I'll post 1!
Forum Games Corner / The Arrow Game
January 17, 2014, 02:54:42 AM
In this classic forum game you basically tell people what you're doing or about to do, what your thinking, etc. and then you ask a question after answering yours. Here's an example of what I mean.

^I love forum games too, they're pretty fun! <--- The first "arrow" answers the previous member's post.

vLoves forum games as well?<--- The last "arrow" asks a question.

Simple enough right? Anyway let's get this started then!

^ I do seriously love this game, it's my favorite.

< Is watching The Cleveland Show.

vLikes Seth McFarlane's cartoons?
Off Topic Discussions / The Weather Topic
January 05, 2014, 01:45:34 AM
Here you can post and share what weather you are currently experiencing. Well we are about to get hit by a huge winter storm, and boy talk about a busy day at work. I work at Walmart, and we were the only store that had milk as every other store in the general area was out! Everyone was acting like it was snowmageddon or something.  :becksurprised It still isn't doing anything yet but I really hope it's going to be as bad as they are saying.
News and Updates / A new sub forum!
January 03, 2014, 02:25:23 AM
Hello everyone, I wanted to announce our newest sub forum, the 18+ section! Let either MechaGS or I know if you'd like to have access to the forum, and we'll update the permissions ASAP!  :beckveryhappy
News and Updates / We're back online!
December 31, 2013, 09:40:47 PM
Unfortunately about two hours ago or so Host Gator's servers went down, and we were offline. If this problem persists we might be looking into a new hosting service. We are sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused to those who may have been trying to reach the forums. Also please spread the word about this place everywhere if you can thank you!
News and Updates / Mobile theme installed!
December 21, 2013, 01:54:16 PM
Hey everyone we finally have a mobile theme! I hope this makes things easier for those who use a mobile phone to check out the site. :)
Roleplaying Corner / Fancharacter Thread
December 19, 2013, 02:53:54 AM
Here you may post your fan character's bios, and yes it can be a fan character from any franchise not just Mighty No. 9.  :beckgladwink  Anyway I came up with a fan character for Mighty No. 9 while at work today. Maybe it's too early to make a new character but meh.

Name: Jack, Mighty No. 13

Age: Unknown

Abilities: See bellow. ;)

Appearance: Looks similar to Beck, aside from a few features. His armor is black and gold, and his eyes are red. His black hair sticks out through his helmet as well, and covers his eyes slightly.


After Beck and Call were created the Dr. thought it would be best to make a copy of Beck himself, just in case anything was to happen to Beck. However he didn't want to name him after Beck, after all it'd be pretty confusing to keep up with 2 Becks right? So the name Jack had been selected, and at the time was the thirteenth robot that had been created.

Growing up Beck, Jack, and Call got along pretty well. Jack's personality was very similar to Beck's, however he quickly developed feelings for Call. Call rejected him three times before the computer glitch struck and took over. Now with an enemy who is basically a copy of Beck himself, he must face him in battle! However the two would be evenly matched, who can take down such a villain?

Maybe later I'll add more to his bio, but this is honestly all that kept going through my mind today.
So someone over at Sonic Retro informed us that Team RETRO's very first issue of RETRO Videogame Magazine will have an article based around Mighty No. 9! The cover has been made, and features Beck of course. It's set to be released next month, here is some more info about the magazine including a subscription form you can fill out if you want to subscribe to it. I'll be looking out for a physical copy of the Magazine myself. And check out the interesting cover as well!

:beckgladsmile ... mSawyerPR/

Beck looks a bit odd in the image, but nonetheless it's still cool. :P
Off Topic Discussions / The Holiday Topic
December 17, 2013, 12:16:31 AM
Since Christmas is just around the corner and with the past holidays such as Thanksgiving I decided to make a topic for us to share our holiday spirits! What did you do for Thanksgiving if you celebrate it? I had to work that day and it was rather horrible in the morning, but got better later on. After work my girlfriend and I went to her parents house and had a nice dinner. As for Christmas I have yet to finish my shopping, and we only have 9 more days until the holiday! Dx I got a Duck Dynasty shirt for my gf's mother, and I plan on getting a few gifts for my girlfriend. While we went shopping today I found a few gifts I'm going to get her so I finally have a clue on what to get her. She got me a Jungle Green N64 since my other console was on it's last leg, I had to replace the Jumper Pak with my Expansion Pak but it was pretty easy to do. We also got her father a pair of jeans and really have no clue on what else to get him... I have a few things in mind for my parents but I probably won't have time to see them on Christmas, but sometime after the holidays I will so I do have time to get their gifts. So what are your plans? Happy holidays to everyone here at Mighty No. 9 Universe!  :beckgladsmile
News and Updates / We need your help!
December 16, 2013, 12:11:45 AM
Hello beckers and fans alike, we need your help promoting the forum. Lets spread the word about our quite community and let fans and "Beckers"  know that there is a fan community on the web! How can you help? Post our forum link on social media networks such as Twitter, Facebook, etc., let your friends know in real life, or you could even make a video to spread the word around. :) Thank you everyone!   :beckgladsmile
Roleplaying Corner / Roleplaying Section Rules
December 14, 2013, 03:38:05 AM
Hello everyone here are a few rules that are to be followed in this sub forum. Please take the time to read these rules, if these rules are broken your roleplay topic may be locked.

1. Please don't make your characters invincible. Nobody is perfect, and many people wouldn't like rping with a character that is invincible, it isn't fair. Every character has their flaws and weaknesses.

2. Roleplays may be sexual, but please use the following rating system while starting new rps. Failure to mark your roleplaying topic will result in a lock of the topic.

       K- A kid friendly roleplay that contains no fowl language, gore, or intimacy.

       T-A roleplay that may contain some intimacy (such as kissing, etc.) and minor language. May also contain some gore.

       M- A roleplay that may contain intimacy, language, and gore.

If you want to set up private roleplays please contact me or another member of staff and we'll set up a private topic for you. Thank you for reading the rules and I hope you have a fun time roleplaying. These rules may change at any time so keep an eye out on them. :)

So while surfing and scrolling on Facebook I noticed this article, written by the same site as the previous article I posted about before. What is Yaiba and how come I never heard of it before? :V So um it's going to be something special, maybe Beck and Call will make a cameo in the game? Could be something else as well, so I suppose we just got to wait and see then huh? :P But seriously, what the heck is Yaiba?
Mega Man Corner / There's a Contest Going On!
October 11, 2013, 06:57:14 PM ... -for-grabs

Go boot up your 360/PS3 and start playing Mega Man 10 for your chance to win one of 8 Mega Man Anniversary statues! Of course you need to add them as a friend before entering but I thought I'd share this with you guys! It was just posted on MM's official Facebook page a few minutes ago, so hurry up and join if you want one of these statues for free!
Debate and Discussion / Violence and Video Games
October 10, 2013, 07:48:09 PM
Now this is something that always comes up in the media when something tragic happens or a new game such as GTA 5 comes out. What are your views on this subject, do you believe that video games really make people violent or not? I absolutely think it has nothing to do with the video games, but the current mental state of the person committing the acts. Video games don't make people go out and hurt others, they are a form of art and entertainment. It makes me pretty upset to hear the media blaming violent video games for the behavior of people.  :beckangry
So i just came across a very interesting article. Inafune just recently had a interview and stated that he wouldn't mind it if Capcom was to publish mn9. You can read about it here.
Off Topic Discussions / Own any pets?
October 09, 2013, 03:57:07 AM
So do you guys own any pets? I currently own two adorable cats, well technically they are my girlfriend's cats but since we live together they're mine as well. The oldest is named Baby and she is a cute little white fluffball, who is around 6 or 7 years old. Gizmo is also a cute little fluffball who is annoying at times, especially in the mornings. He always likes to try and follow you into the bathroom and he loves rubbing on our legs. He's about 5 years old, and I couldn't really tell you what type of cats they are but they are both long haired ones. :)
Mega Man Corner / Mega Man Board Game? Wat :V
October 08, 2013, 11:43:50 PM
Yep you've read that title correctly, I can't believe I forgot to post about this here. :V So apparently some company is going to create Kickstarter project to help fund a MM board game. When it comes out do you guys plan on getting it? Personally I wouldn't mind checking it out, I'm honestly surprised something like this wasn't created years ago as Sonic the Hedgehog had a board game and Pokemon even had it's own board game back in the day. Read more about it on the company's website here. They also have a link to their Facebook page if you want to give it a like.  :beckveryhappy
So in this topic you can tell us how your day went, or how it is currently going. It was originally going to be my own personal blog topic but I thought what the heck why not create a topic for everyone? So today as my girlfriend was walking out the door our neighbor Larry had came out into the hallway and told her that his water heater is leaking as well as other people's in the building, luckily ours is fine. However that didn't stop maintenance from coming inside our house, and well I get nervous when they do especially when I am home alone since i'm not too social. :P So I got woken up by the maintenance guys twice, the second time I said screw it i'm staying up. Not to mention that we got contractors working on our building today so on top of the problem and work being done it's been pretty noisy all day. However since it is noisy, I am listening to music and I hope no one knocks on the door again since I won't be able to hear it now. Screw my social anxiety it sucks so much but it has gotten better since I got my first job back in 2010. I still have a difficult time doing certain things though such as simply shopping by myself, however if I am at my work and I get there early before my shift starts I can go shopping since I know my co-workers but meh it still sucks. I also don't know how to drive still, which I really want to learn. Heck I had a dream last night about driving so even my subconsciousness is telling me to start learning. :V In some cases I feel that I might have some form of autism, but maybe I'm just thinking too much about my flaws. :\ So how's everyone's day so far?
So weed or marijuana has been legalized in a few places, including Colorado which is the first state in the US to legalize it for recreational uses but do you think overall it should just be legalized everywhere? I personally think it should, as it can provide many people new jobs and maybe it'll mellow out some people. However I can see why some people wouldn't want it to be legalized since it might make people lazy and is known as the gateway drug but maybe if people could possibly be monitored and only so much can be allowed a month or year it wouldn't be too bad. But then that would possibly lead to other issues down the road, and then the government would be monitoring their every move which wouldn't even be right to say the least.
Off Topic Discussions / The Happy Birthday Topic
September 26, 2013, 02:22:22 AM
Well it looks like someone has a birthday today, happy birthday to joeq1159! Hope it was a good one for you dude, looks like i'm a year older than you though. :P