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Custom BBCodes

Started by MechaGS, September 07, 2013, 02:23:32 AM

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I've been adding a few custom BBCodes to the site for people to use. Feel free to check them out below.

Center Elements:

Here is a centered line

<center>Here is a centered line</center>

Youtube Video:

[youtube]Video ID (PX1o0so4anc)[/youtube]

Tweet Embed:



Spoiler Tag:

I'm a spoiler tag. It's nice to meet you!

[spoiler]I'm a spoiler tag. It's nice to meet you![/spoiler]

Resize Image Tag:

[rimg width=224 height=127:3pvf0vgg][/rimg]

[rimg width=224 height=127][/rimg]

Spoiler Box:

[spoilerbox]I'm a spoiler box. It's nice to meet you![/spoilerbox]

[spoilerbox]I'm a spoiler box. It's nice to meet you![/spoilerbox]

Twitch Video:


[code][twitch]Video ID (3019760)[/twitch][/twitch]

GameSpot Video:


[code][gamespot]Video ID (6416645)[/gamespot][/twitch]

I'll be adding more as they become needed.


Thank you for adding these, I just posted a video and forgot that the id was needed not the link. xD


We can now embed tweets via a new BBCode from above. It will allow us to link information from official sources and of course for fun.

Hope this addition leads to some good usage. :)


Ooh this will definitely come in handy for those keeping up with their twitter account. (I don't care for twitter so. :P)


Quote from: TheRavenOoh this will definitely come in handy for those keeping up with their twitter account. (I don't care for twitter so. :P)

I'm a twitter follower, so I'll probably be all over it for information.

If you can think of any services that would be helpful to hook into, give me a shout. :)


Hmm how about a spoiler tag? That way if there is something important we want to post but not ruin it for others we can easily post it. xD Also sweet, do keep us updated on any twitter updates. :)


Quote from: TheRavenHmm how about a spoiler tag? That way if there is something important we want to post but not ruin it for others we can easily post it. xD Also sweet, do keep us updated on any twitter updates. :)

Now, that's an important one. I'll get that one done now. :D

EDIT #1: Spoiler tag added. Drag across to view. (will prevent anyone mis-clicking)

EDIT #2: Image Resize tag added.

Jay C

Quote from: MechaGSEDIT #1: Spoiler tag added. Drag across to view. (will prevent anyone mis-clicking)

I like the spoiler tag. I don't know if it's just me but I could read what was in it. Can you make the font also black? That way it all blends in until you highlight it. Hopefully it's just a simple code change to #000000. I do know that on The Megas' forum, our board has a dark gray background so we hide our spoilers with black text (or sometimes small text) as demonstrated <a href='' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>here</a>. While I may be an administrator on that forum, I didn't have access to install themes and whatnot for the forum so that was the best that we can do. I don't know exactly what it would take to get fixed.

Hopefully it's not too complicated. If it is I can live with it. I'm not really afraid of spoilers of anything. I tend to avoid media sources and watch/play whatever I need to as soon as possible so I don't bump into any spoilers.


Could yo put in a Spoilerbox? That would help with large images especially.

Jay C

Could just use the image URL instead.


The spoiler box is a bit harder to do considering not everyone allows for Javascript to load and that's what they're based on. I'll look into a CSS solution and see what I can come up with. :)

Jay C

Yeah. I agree. I don't like the spoiler boxes because I'll probably be viewing this site on my tablet. Mobile browsing sucks but I can do it on the go.


Didn't know you've added a resize image BBCode, thank you for that one Mecha! :D Speaking of mobile viewing we should probably look into a mobile skin, since I too browse the forums while I'm at work on break. :P I'll go look around on phpBB's support board and see if they have one, I believe they do. :)


I'll continue to add BBCodes as we go, so it's probably best members just check back every so often. :)

A mobile skin would be cool. If you find anything good on that front, give me a nudge.

EDIT: Fixed the spoiler tag so that the text doesn't shine through.


The Twitter embed BBcode is a great addition.  I don't remember having seen that on other forums.