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Custom BBCodes

Started by MechaGS, September 07, 2013, 02:23:32 AM

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Jay C

I believe it's part of a newer version of phpbb. I think we have a solid set of tools at our disposal right now. Kudos goes to MechaGS for digging around and making sure these nifty tool so work. I can't think of anything else that we could need right now. Thanks!


The twitter code's custom by me from the embed code provided by twitter, I jazzed it up to work with any statement we throw at it. :D

I'm going to continue adding services and tools where needed. phpBB's basic BBCode sets rather crap if I'm honest.


Twitch embed code has been added. See the top post for information on how to use it. :)


GameSpot embed code has been added. I plan on adding other services but would love recommendations from users on what they would like to see added. :D